Sunday, May 17, 2015

It's official!

After months of planning and dreaming, Kathleen and I have officially booked our flights to Piura, Peru! We are leaving on Thursday, June 4th, to go to Chicago. We will spend the evening with Erin and fly out at 7:01 Friday morning and arrive in Piura at 9:30 that night. I will return to Chicago on July 22nd.  Kathleen will prolong her stay and tour the country with friends.  We looked at dozens and dozens of flights and I am very happy with the one we chose. We do not think there is a time change so we should not be affected by jet lag. We should be there to help set up for the festival which celebrates the feast of Corpus Christi on Sunday, June 6th.

At this time, I am more excited than nervous. I feel confident that this will be a positive experience and I am thrilled to be sharing it with my daughter. Please keep both of us in your prayers that we have a safe journey.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Getting Ready

Dear Friends,

In 2009, Kathleen went to Peru and volunteered at a mission called Santisimo Sacremento, in Piura, Peru.  She has always wanted to return.  I have retired and Kathleen has left her job, so the time seems right! On Friday, June 5th, we will fly to Piura to volunteer for seven weeks.  After seven weeks, I'll return home and Kathleen will stay in Peru and travel with some friends.

Some of you have expressed interest in keeping in touch.  I am now the proud owner of my own email
We have also set up a   If you are interested, you can check in to see how we are doing.

If you're interested in learning more about Santisimo Sacremento you can check out their website at:

This is a huge step on my part (much more in-line with Kathleen's personality), so I am asking for your prayers for save travel and a successful trip.


Here is a 2009 Photo of Kathleen in Piura.