Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Gift of Transportation!

This week, although short because of our trip to Machu Picchu and because it is nearing the end of our stay, has brought about a few new work experiences. On Thursday morning, Kathleen worked as a nurse with the medical/surgical group from Oklahoma. They come down every summer and perform hernia surgeries from early Monday morning through Friday noon. She went on home visits to check on patients. They are sent home within hours after their surgery with only ibuprofen for discomfort. I went out to the villages to deliver, of all things, purses! We finished early and came back to the parish and helped assemble bikes. As most of you know, I am not engineerically inclined, but with the help of a good partner, we were able to put together a few of the single speed bikes. The bikes come with a pump, tools and a bell. While doing this, my excitement grew as I heard how they were delivered.

Most of you have either seen or heard of the Oprah show where she yelled to her audience "You get a car! You get a car! You get a car!" Well, today I felt just like Oprah! We got to be part of a team who gave the gift of transportation. We loaded 5 bikes into the back of the truck and rode to a far out village where everyone must walk miles to work or school. There are no moto-taxis, taxis or buses in these villages. We would stop as we came upon a man walking and give him a bike. They were thrilled! Can you imagine having your commute time cut so significantly?! We take so much for granted...electricity, running water, a means of transportation, telephones, wood floors, etc. This parish does so much good to help improve the lives of the people and I am so happy to have been a part of it. (Women do not drive cars, not do they ride bicycles.)

Today was also a little different because the large 52 member medical group and a family of 7 left the parish. Usually, large new groups arrive on Saturday, but today we just welcomed a deacon and his lovely wife from Oklahoma. We worked this morning at the girls home helping them with their cleaning. (I did dishes in cold water for 2 hours.) We joined the family group in taking out many of the parish employees for lunch at Chilis and then went on our bike deliveries before mass at 7:00. After dinner, we played Bananagrams with the only two new people to come today and our dear friends, Katylnn and Brian. It will be a very quiet week after the 74 people who were here this past week.
Tomorrow's plans include a trip to the beach!

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